Our Story

About Dial Herbs and Stan Malstrom
In a response to a strong impulse in our society toward self-determination and strengthening family health, and after many years of experience in natural methods, Stan Malstrom and his son Bart Malstrom founded Dial Herbs. Stan Malstrom was a renowned herbalist, famous for his in-depth knowledge of herbs, herbal remedies, natural healing techniques and his complete understanding of the total body system. With his help, many people have gained renewed health and vitality through therapy, skilled use of herbs, and healthful living habits that enable the body to mobilize its own remarkable healing powers. All of Stan’s material emphasizes total body functions and the unity of body, mind and total consciousness through the use of food, exercise and mental attitude. Stan authored many pamphlets and books including “Own Your Own Body”, “Natural Herbal Formulas” and “My Body My Friend”.

Dial Herbs product line has been time tested for over 30 years. We produce Tinctures, Salves, Oils, Poultices, Tablets and other fine products so that people may obtain for themselves the benefits of a healthy body and mind. We have put together a selective listing of herbs, which we use in our Dial Herbs product line, grouped according to their various healing or nutritional values. There is a short explanation about the group followed by a listing of herbs that contain that group’s healing or nutritional values.
To help you in achieving optimum good heath and high energy levels we have put together a listing of our products with their suggested uses, ingredients and prices. The purpose of this is to help you understand each product more thoroughly and how it may benefit you or your family.
We here at Dial Herbs wish you success in your efforts to rediscover the arts and elements of self-healing.